
Pharmacy Practice

Focus: Pharmacy Professional Development

Speaker Request
Laurie L. Briceland, PharmD, FASHP, FCCP


  • Fellowship in Antimicrobial Management, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
  • Pharm.D., University at Buffalo 
  • B.S., Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • Foundations of Pharmacy
  • Integrated Problem Solving Workshop
  • Pharmacy Professional Development elective
  • Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences 

Research Interests

  • Professional Identity Formation, experiential education, preceptor and student interactions, reflection, student success

Selected Publications

  • Briceland LL, Tackes C, Veselov M. A Structured Self-Reflection Approach to Improve Reflection Quality and Assessment of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Professionalization. Journal of American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2022;4:154-61. Online December 17, 2021:

  • Briceland LL, Caimano CR, Rosa SW, Veselov M, Jablanski C. Exploring the impact of engaging student pharmacists in developing individualized Experiential Success Plans. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2021;4:154-61. Online October 16, 2020:
  • Briceland LL, Brewer JM, Dominelli A.  The Impact of Pharmacy Student Participation in the White Coat Ceremony on Professionalization.  American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2020, 84 (3) 7689; DOI:

Professional Fellowships

  • Fellow, American Society of Health System Pharmacists 
  • Fellow, American College of Clinical Pharmacy 


Briceland LL, Caimano CR, Rosa SW, Jablanski C, Veselov M.  Post-APPE structured reflections: characterization of impactful learning themes and evidence of actionable professional development plans.  121st Annual Meeting AACP (Virtual 2020). Am J Pharm Educ: 2020:84(6): ajpe8220; DOI:

Briceland LL, Bach K, Rosa SW, Martin Z, Brewer JM, Grabe D.  Beyond the White Coat and Professionalism:  Engendering Professional Identity Formation in Student Pharmacists. 2020 School Poster.   121st Annual Meeting AACP (Virtual). Am J Pharm Educ. 2020:84(6):ajpe8219; DOI:

Yacobucci M, Lombardi CL, Briceland LL, Zeszotarski P.   Characterization and Impact of Pharmacy Student Participation on Hematology/Oncology APPE Rotations in Varied Practice Settings. New York State Council of Health System Pharmacists 59th Annual Assembly Virtual Poster Session, April 25, 2020.

Yacobucci M, Lombardi CL, Briceland LL.  Characterization and Impact of Pharmacy Student Participation on Hematology/Oncology APPE Rotations in Varied Practice Settings. Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) 2020 Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, March 11-14, 2020. Poster PM08. 

Le NK, Briceland LL, Caimano C, Veselov M.  Categorization of hospital/health-system Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) student portfolio projects and the potential impact on pharmacy practice. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 8-12, 2019.  Poster 6-123.

Caimano CR, Briceland LL, Veselov M, Rosa SW. Impact of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) Remediation on Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) Performance. 2019 AACP Annual Meeting Abstract. 120th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, July 13-17, 2019. Am J Pharm Educ: Vol 83 (5): Article 7654.

Rosa SW, Briceland LL, Veselov M. Characterization of preceptor-assessed APPE competency deficiencies to inform pre-APPE curricular revision. 2019 AACP Annual Meeting Abstract. 120th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, July 13-17, 2019. Am J Pharm Educ: Vol 83 (5): Article 7654.

Briceland LL, Caimano CR, Veselov M, Brewer JM, Rosa SW, Jablanski C. Foundations of Pharmacy Course Hybridization to Improve Student Engagement. 2019 AACP Annual Meeting Abstract. 120th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, July 13-17, 2019. Am J Pharm Educ: Vol 83 (5): Article 7654.

Briceland LL, Keyes K, Brewer JM, Schmonsky L, Jablanski C. Coordinated Student Success Initiative for P1 and Beyond: Do Academic Success Plans Improve Student Retention?  2019 AACP Annual Meeting Abstract. 120th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, July 13-17, 2019. Am J Pharm Educ: Vol 83 (5): Article 7654.

Yacobucci M, Lombardi CL, Zeszotarski P, Briceland LL.  Exploring Practice Site Contributions and Professionalization Impact of Engaging Student Pharmacists on Hematology/Oncology Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotations.  American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy.  Submitted July 2020. 

Briceland LL, Caimano CR, Rosa SW, Veselov M, Jablanski C. Exploring the impact of engaging student pharmacists in developing individualized Experiential Success Plans.    Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Under review. July 2020.

Briceland LL, Brewer JM, Dominelli A.  The Impact of Pharmacy Student Participation in the White Coat Ceremony on Professionalization.  American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2020, 84 (3) 7689; DOI:

Briceland LL, Rosa SW, Jablanski C, Lubowski TJ. Creation of Experiential Education Honors to Replace Dean's List in Recognizing Students for Exemplary Experiential Achievement. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy 2018;1–5.

Conferences and Presentations

  • “Professional Identity Formation in Student Pharmacists: The Pharmacy Practitioner’s Role”.  ACPHS Preceptor Development Series Continuing Education Webinar. October 1, 2019.  And P1 Orientation August 2020.
  • **Characterization and Impact of Pharmacy Student Participation on Hematology/Oncology APPE Rotations in Varied Practice Settings. Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) 2020 Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, March 12, 2020. Encore presentations: **ACPHS Student & Faculty Research Podium Session (Virtual), April 17, 2020; **2020 NYSCHP Annual Assembly Virtual Poster Session, April 25, 2020.  
  • Beyond the White Coat and Professionalism:  Engendering Professional Identity Formation in Student Pharmacists.  School Poster.   2020 Annual Meeting AACP (Virtual). July 2020.
  • Post-APPE structured reflections: characterization of impactful learning themes and evidence of actionable professional development plans.  2020 AACP Annual Meeting (Virtual). July 2020. Selected for inclusion in the AACP Graduate Education Special Interest Group Virtual Poster Gallery Walk July 23, 2020.
  • **Easy as 1, 2, 3: Assessing Levels of Entrustability on Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. 2020 AACP Annual Meeting (Virtual). July 2020.
  • Strang AF, Briceland LL, Garrison GD, Kane TH, Brewer JM, Seo SW. Are Students Practicing Self-awareness? An Inventory of Critical Reflection Throughout the Curriculum/Co-Curriculum. AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018.
  • Briceland LL, Brewer JM, Dominelli AC. An Analysis of P1 Student Reflections on the Impact of White Coat Ceremony Participation. AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018.
  • Briceland LL, Caimano CR, Rosa SW, Jablanski C, Veselov M. Creation of Experiential Success Plan Initiative to Address Experiential Performance Deficiencies. AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018.